Bodies of Water Become Blood Red, Occurring All Around the World
Updated on 7.25.2014
It’s happening again: this time it’s happening in China and the photos are both disconcerting and dramatic. No matter what scientists or geologists believe might be the technical cause of this sudden and unsettling phenomenon, I believe that God is speaking to His people through this manifestation. I believe He is saying that “too much innocent blood is being shed on this earth” due to hatred and reckless ongoing war. He is warning the world. He is demanding an end to the “rivers of innocent blood” which are now being spilled in nation upon nation as innocent lives are lost to murder, war and Islamic religious fanaticism gone berserk.
River In China Mysteriously Turns Bloody Red Overnight

In October of 2012 I reported:
It’s a disconcerting natural phenomenon that is being documented around the world, and it has been happening for several years. It’s also a biblical phenomena that most Christians are familiar with being prophesied in the Bible. The most recent body of water to suddenly turn bright blood red is a large lake located in the Rhone Delta region in France.
The phenomenon was discovered and photographed and by Russian tourists traveling in the region, who took the photos below. Click any photo to see the enlargement.
The most peculiar thing about France’s suddenly blood red lake is that other bodies of water which are nearby re