Sunday, August 12, 2012


The God the Father a Spirit ask  you to choose between life and death . If you accept him the only one and true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent  you will have eternal life . Deuteronomy 30 ; 19 , 20 This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death , blessings and curses . Now choose life , so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God , listen to his voice , and hold fast to him . For the Lord is your life , and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers . Abraham , Isaac and Jacob . " Worship the only one and true God the Father a Spirit and Jesus Christ whom you have sent you will have eternal life . Accept his Church or Church of Christ you will be save in Judgment day . " JOHN 4 , 23 , 24 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth , for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks . God is spirit , and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth . John 17 ;1- 3 After Jesus said this , he looked toward heaven and prayed . "Father , the time has come . Glorify your son , that your son may glorify you . For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him . Now this is eternal life :that they may know you the only true God , and Jesus Christ , whom you have sent . " Kindly follow me on Twitter @punongolibo and on Facebook Thank you .