All of us are going to die but I like to know were my soul will take a rest . I want a peaceful mind that if I going to die I want to know my soul will be safe . Many are entering the Religion because it promise salvation . Our Lord Jesus Christ build the first Religion . John 15 : 5 , 6 I am the true vine ; you are the branches . If a man remains in me and I in him , he will bear much fruit ; apart from me you can do nothing . If anyone does not remain in me , he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers ; such branches are picked up and thrown into the fire and burned . Our Lord Jesus explain if we are separated to him we are not save . what is the meaning of it .Collosians 1 ; 18 And he is the head of the body , the Church . " If we are not in his church we will be put in the fire to be burn . Ephesians 2 : 12 - 16 Remember that at that time you were separated from Christ , excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise , without hope and without God in the world . But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ . For he himself is our peace , who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility , by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulation . His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of two , thus making peace , and in this body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross , by which he put to death their hostility . " If you were not in his Church which he bought with his blood you have no covenant of the promise and no God , you will not be save . To save the man he himself made a new man he is the head and the body is his Church , if you enter and be member you will be save by our Lord Jesus ." Lamsa version Act 20 ; 28 Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the holy
spirit has made you overseers . Be shepherds of the Church of Christ , which he
bought with his own blood . " what is his name ? " Romans 16 ; 16 Greet one another with a holy kiss . All the Churches of Christ send greetings . Ephesians 5 ; 22 -25 Wives , submit to your husbands
as to the Lord . For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head
of the Church , his body , of which he is the Savior . Now as the church submits
to Christ , so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything .
Husbands , love your wives , just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up
for her . Ephesians 4 ; 4-6 There is one body and one spirit --just as you were
called to one hope when you were called --- one lord , one faith , one baptism ;
one God and Father of all , who is over all and through all and in all . This is our faith in the Church of Christ or Iglesia ni Cristo ,one God the Father , one Lord our lord Jesus Christ , one body the Church of Christ . It is very clear that our Lord Jesus build only one Church but now their are so many Churches with different believes and many preacher with different faith . Our Lord Jesus Christ bought his Church by his on blood by means of his death in the cross . If you like your Church to be recognise by God may be you should also buy it with your blood . " As written Matthew 7 ; 21 , 22 Not everyone who says to me , Lord , Lord , will enter the
Kingdom of heaven , but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven
. Many will say to me on that day , Lord , Lord , did we not prophesy in your
name , and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles ?Then I will
tell them plainly , I never knew you . Away from me , you evildoers ! " Its hurt to be not recognised even they perform miracles , many religion think if they perform miracles they will recognise by our Lord Jesus and be save in judgement day . But it not ,only those who follow the will of God the Father to worship him the only one God and Lord Jesus as he sent you will have eternal life and enter the Church of Christ or Iglesia ni Cristo , the name that our Lord Jesus recognised , because no other name given to men which we are going to be save , preach by Bro. Felix Manalo the last preacher of God . " Punong Olibo or Olive Trees the last Prophets of God . " Please read my 114 blogs it will enlighten you in true worship to God and to know how your name be written in the book of life . Please follow me on Twitter and Facebook . Please share it to your family , relative and friend my God will bless you for your good doing . If you are in other country you want to learn more of God's word see it in the directory of the Google , Iglesia ni Cristo ( Church of Christ ) preach by Bro. Felix Manalo . Thank you God bless you .
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