Punong Olibo wrote his first blog on Aug. 27, 2010 . 1, 627 read the blog that gives explanation about God the Father choose Punong Olibo to warned the world the coming of judgement day and preach the true God the Father a Spirit and Lord Jesus Christ whom he have send . Enter the Church of Christ you will be save . From 2010 - 2012 I have wrote 42 blogs to shed light to the word of God and reveal the secret of the prophecy and its meaning . I gained to many friends in Facebook and to many followers in twitter . On Dec. 3, 2012 I wrote a letter to Ka Edwardo Manalo a Executive Minister of Church of Christ . I informed him that I have been chosen by God to be a Punong Olibo or Olive Trees the last prophets of God to help in propagation of his words so that his Son and daughter will be call in the Church . Let us read the Bible why God put a prophets to his Church . EPHESIANS 4 ; 11 , 12 , 16 It was he who gave some to be apostles , some to be
prophets some to be evangelists , and some to be pastors and teachers , to
prepare GOD' s people for works of service , so that the body of Christ may be
build up . From him the whole body , joined and held together by every
supporting ligament , grows and builds itself up in love , as each part does it
work . ROMANS 12 ; 4 , 5 Just as each of us has one body with many members , and
these members do not all have the same function , so in Christ we who are many
form one body , and each member belongs to all the others . What are the different between a prophet and a preacher , let us as the Google about Its meaning .
Preacher Vrs Prophet |
I have been thinking about this question for some time and have wondered what
is the answer. What is the difference between a preacher and a prophet?
As far as I know, a preacher preaches the Word of God. A prophet is a
messenger who speaks the Word of God. Are they not one and the same?
Some might say, "Well a prophet predicts future events." However, that
is not true. A prophet merely speaks what the Lord tells them. They are a
messenger. Sometimes, this may include future events. However, the prophet is
not making predictions. The prophet is merely speaking the message as delivered
by God. Likewise, a preacher should also be merely speaking the message as
delivered by the Holy Spirit. |
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