Revelation 11 ; 4 , 7, 18 These are two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth .Now when they finished their testimony , the beast that comes up from the abyss will attack them , and overpower and kill them .The nations were angry ; and your wrath has come . The time has come for JUDGING THE DEAD , and for rewarding your servants the prophets and saints and those who reverence your name , both small and great and for destroying those who destroy the earth . " It was very clear after the death of Punong Olibo or Olive Trees judgment day . " Many Religion like Protestant , Born again Christian , Seven days Adventist are waiting the appearance of the Punong Olibo or the Olive Trees the last prophets of God . After they show the power given by God ,The prophets will unite all Religion to Glorify the true and only one true God the Father and accept Jesus Christ the Apostle and High priest and enter the Church of Christ you will be save .Punong olibo will reveal the identity of the beast who will exalt himself like God the Father of our spirit ! " Copy in the Google . " Bishops, who are the shepherds of the local Church community and the authentic teachers of the faith, were given the title "Father." Actually, until about the year 400, a bishop was called "papa" for Father; this title was then restricted solely to addressing the Bishop of Rome, the successor of St. Peter, and in English was rendered "pope." 2 Thessalonians 2 ; 3,4, Don't let anyone deceive you in any way , for that day will not come out until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed , the man doomed to destruction . He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worship , so that he sets himself up in God's temple , proclaiming himself to be God . " This man will exalt himself just what we call the God a Father of our spirit ". He will called himself a father of our souls . " Ezekiel 18 ; 3 , 4 For every living soul belongs to me , the Father as well as the son --both alike belong to me . The soul who sins is the one who will die . " Our souls are belong to our God the Father . " Matthew 23 ; 9 And do not call anyone on earth father , for you have one Father , and he is in heaven . " God ask not to call anyone a father because he is the only one Father of our souls . " Ephesians 6 ; 2, 3 Honor your father and mother --- that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth . " The Bible allow us to call our parent a father and mother . " It is very clear the beast will exalt himself to be called father of our soul just like God , don't follow them they will kill your soul in judgment day . Kindly follow me on twitter punongolibo and on Facebook . Please read my 110 blogs to enlighten you to true worship to God the Father a Spirit and how your name be writing in the book of life , to be save in judgment day .
So let me do three things: first, show that men are called “father” throughout the New.... in my Evangelical circle have an issue with Catholics calling their priests Father..... All you need to do to see how badly the Roman Catholic Church has ...see it in the Google for more information .
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