Wednesday, January 16, 2019


The Apostle teach us the only one  true God the Father a SPIRIT 1 CORINTHIANS 8 ; 5-7 For even if there are so- called gods , whether in heaven or on earth [ as indeed there are many "god "and many " lord " ] ,yet for us there is but one God , the Father , from whom all things came and for whom we live ; and is but one Lord , Jesus Christ , through whom all things came and through whom we live . " Why the false preacher and false prophets vote to make their god while it was written very clearly in the Bible that their was only one God the Father a Spirit don't follow them you will be punish on judgement day and your prayer will not be heard because you pray to wrong god . . What occurred at the Council of Nicea?"
Answer:The Council of Nicea took place in AD 325 by order of the Roman Emperor Caesar Flavius Constantine. Nicea was located in Asia Minor, east of Constantinople. At the Council of Nicea, Emperor Constantine presided over a group of church bishops and other leaders with the purpose of defining the nature of God for all of Christianity and eliminating confusion, controversy, and contention within the church. The Council of Nicea overwhelmingly affirmed the deity and eternality of Jesus Christ and defined the relationship between the Father and the Son as “of one substance.” It also affirmed the Trinity—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were listed as three co-equal and co-eternal Persons. " It was very clear trinity was not come from Lord Jesus

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